Selasa, 30 Agustus 2011

Software Bel

Posting by Nopman Amin On 30 Agustus 2011I 08.30

Software Untuk Bel Sekolah

Bagi instansi pendidikan yang namanya bel sekolah mungkin udah hampir wajib dimiliki. gunanya jelas kita tahu untuk pergantian jam pelajaran, jam masuk, istirahat, pulang dsb. beberapa sekolah ada yang masih menggunakan kentongan seperti yang ada di film laskar pelangi. Belsekolahnamun juga ada yang menggunakan bel listrik, keduanya masih menggunakan cara manual atau mencet sendiri belum otomatis gitu. apabila anda ingin bel sekolah dapat bejalan otomatis anda dapat menggunakan sebuah aplikasi kecil yang bisa anda download disini

Cara menggunakan cukup mudah anda tidak perlu install, tapi bisa langsung dijalankan karena bersifat portable, Feature yang ada pada sofware ini antara lain.

- Pengaturan penggantian suara sesuka anda asalkan tetap dalam format [*.wav]
- Deteksi hari otomatis
- Mudah dalam penggunaan
- Simple tidak ribet
- Pengaturan jadwal kapan saja bel akan otomatis berbunyi
- Pengaturan untuk jadwal ujian
- Gratis
- Portable
- dsb

Untuk lebih rincinya silahkan langsung anda coba. Jika berhasil bisa langsung anda hubungkan ke sound system yang ada pada masing-masing kelas. selamat mencoba semoga bermanfaat.


Posting by Nopman Amin On Selasa, 30 Agustus 2011

Cara Menginstall Windows 7 Melalui Flash Disk

Khusus untuk Windows 7 dapat menggunakan tools dari microsoft, yaitu Windows7 USB/DVD tools.

Sesudah Download dan install lalu jalankan programnya, pada langkah ke-1 pilih lokasi file .iso windows7 kita, lalu langkah ke-2 pilih apakah akan di install ke usb flashdisk atau bakar ke DVD disk.

Game muslim

Posting by Nopman Amin On Selasa, 30 Agustus 2011

Game Anak Muslim Merangkai Huruf Hijaiyah

Game merangkai huruf hijaiyah ini sangat cocok bagi anak-anak berusia 3 tahun keatas. Game ini dilengkapi dengan berbagai fitur suara yang bisa merangsang anak-anak untuk bermain. Game ini mungkin hampir mirip dengan game yang namanya Bounce, tapi yang mirip hanya batas waktu yang diberikan dalam permainan ini. Bagi anda yang mempunyai anak kami sarankan untuk mencoba memberikan permainan ini kepada mereka.
Bagaimana mengajarkan huruf hijaiyah kepada anak dengan cara yang menyenangkan ? Salah satunya adalah menggunakan edu-game  yang bernama “Merangkai Huruf Hijaiyah”. Game berbasis perograman flash ini akan membantu anak-anak untuk lebih peka mengenali huruf-huruf hijaiyah. Game ini juga memberikan tantangan yang mengasyikkan dengan adanya batas waktu untuk penyelesaian setiap soal.

Game sederhana ini akan menampilkan sebuah kata berbahasa arab, pemain diminta untuk memilih huruf hijaiyah dari huruf-huruf yang telah disambung. Pemain diharuskan menempatkan urutan huruf sesuai kata yang diberikan. Jika terjadi kesalahan penempatan huruf, maka software tersebut akan memberikan konfirmasi untuk melakukan perbaikan.
Edu-game ini mengajak anak-anak untuk mengenali huruf-hurf hijaiyah dari rangkaian hurufhijaiyah yang telah tersambung. Dengan demikian sangat cocok untuk anak atau remaja yang sedang belajar membaca dan menulis huruf-huruf hijaiyah secara menyambung. Juga bagi tua atau peminat yang baru belajar membaca dan nulis huruf Arab. Jelasnya, belajar huruf hijaiyah secara happy and fun, serta interaktif .

3.97 Mb

Serba-serbi 1

Posting by Nopman Amin On Kamis, 29 Agustus 2011

8 Penemu yang Mati oleh Penemuannya Sendiri

Berikut daftar 8 penemu yang meninggal atau terluka dulu sebelum meninggal karena penemuannya sendiri. untuk umat manusia di muka bumi ini. . . . 
01. Marie Curie 
Marie Curie adalah ahli fisika Polandia keturunan Perancis dan apoteker yang terkenal untuk menemukan sejumlah elemen baru, termasuk Polonium dan radium, serta teori radioaktivitas dan terisolasinya radioaktif isotopes. Dia bersama suaminya ( Pierre ) memenangi nobel tahun 1903 . Dia meninggal pada 4 Juli, 1934, karena radiasi dari beberapa percobaannya. 
02. J. G. Parry-Thomas 
Adalah seorang berkebangsaan Wales dan juga sebagai pengemudi dan Engineer mobil balap, impiannya adalah ingin memecahkan rekor mobil tercepat di dunia yang kala itu di pegang oleh Malcolm Campbell, ia kemudian memodifikasi sebuah mobil yang menghubungkan rantai langsung dengan mesin mobil yang kemudian di beri nama Babes.27 April 1926 dengan mobil tersebut ia memecahkan rekor sebelumnya dengan kecepatan 170 Mph, rekor tersebut kemudian bertahan hingga satu tahun sebelum Malcolm Campbell memecahkan rekor kembali tahun 1927, ketika sedang berusaha untuk memecahkan rekor kembali di tahun yang sama salah satu rantainya terlepas dan kemudian mengikat lehernya hingga tercekik ( Ko bisa ya ? ) dan tewas seketika mobil sedang melaju sangat cepat. 
03. William Bullock 
William Bullock adalah penemu Amerika yang pada tahun 1863 menemukan mesin cetak semi otomatis yang berputar cepat membantu pencetakan menekan pencetakan industri besar karena kecepatan dan efisiensi. Bullock meninggal ketika sedang mencoba untuk memperbaiki salah satu mesin cetaknya, ia menggunakannya kakinya untuk menekan tuas mesin tersebut kembali ketempatnya, tapi nahas kakinya malah menendang bagian mesin lain yang menyebabkan patah tulang dan Bullock meninggal selama operasi untuk memotong kaki-Nya.' 
04. Otto Lilienthal 
Otto Lilienthal adalah perintis manusia bisa terbang yang kita kenal sekarang dengan istilah Glider . . Koran dan majalah di banyak negara diterbitkan dengan foto-foto Lilienthal terbang layang, secara ilmiah dan mempengaruhi opini publik tentang kemungkinan mesin terbang praktis menjadi kenyataan. Pada penerbangan pada 9 Agustus 1896, Lilienthal jatuh di ketinggian 17 meter. Dia meninggal pada hari berikutnya. Kata nya adalah, “Small sacrifices must be made!” yang artinya "Sedikit tumbal harus ada!".

05. Franz Reichelt 
Franz Reichelt adalah seorang penjahit Austria terkenal yang kemudian membuat sebuah mantel aneh / parasut hibrid yang diklaim dapat berlayar oleh para pemakainya perlahan ke tanah atau bahkan untuk terbang. Dia melakukan itu dari percobaan pertama dari dek menara Eiffel, dan di depan sekelompok penonton dan wartawan, dilanjutkan jatuh lurus kebawah. Dia kemudian meninggal karena parasut Hibrid tersebut tidak mengembang.... parah. 
06. Karel Soucek 
Karel Soucek adalah seorang stunman Kanada terkenal dan penemu "kapsul" (yang hanya memodifikasi drum/barrel) dan menumpang di bawah Niagara Falls di dalamnya. Dia bertahan, meskipun menderita luka-luka. Pada tahun 1985, dia yakin perusahaan untuk membiayai sebuah barel drop dari bagian atas Astrodome di Houston Texas. Air terjun yang khusus dibuat dari bagian atas kaki 180 struktur, lubang dengan menceburi di bagian bawah. Namun, pertumbuhan DR, dan Soucek pergi dari pinggir kolam renang, bukan dari pusat, menyebabkan kapsul untuk memecah dan dia sangat merugikan. Dia meninggal pada hari berikutnya. Evel Knievel disebut itu membahayakan memperlambatkan yang paling dia pernah dilihat. Kapsul-Nya adalah pada layar di New York State Museum. 
07. Alexander Bogdanov 
Alexander Bogdanov adalah seorang dokter Rusia, filsuf, ekonom, penulis fiksi ilmiah, dan revolusioner. Salah satu dari banyak percobaan ilmiah nya yang terkenal adalah gagasan peremajaan melalui tranfusi darah. Setelah tranfusi darah untuk banyak orang terkemuka, termasuk saudara Lenin's , Saatnya Bogdanov memutuskan untuk memberikan dirinya sebuah transfusi darah dari salah seorang pasien yang menderita malaria dan TBC, yaaaa . . . ia terkena Infeksi dan meninggal karenanya.

08. Henry Winstanley 
Henry Winstanley adalah arsitek dan insinyur mercusuar terkenal di Inggris yang membangun mercusuar Eddystone pertama . Winstanley ingin menguji kekuatan mercusuar tersebut sehingga harus berada di dalamnya selama badai. Mercusuar kemudian runtuh, 

membunuh Winstanley dan lima orang lainnya.


PC Tools Registry Mechanic 10 0 1 140

Posting By Nopman Amin on Selasa, 30 Agustus 2011 | 05:07

PC Tools Registry Mechanic 10 0 1 140 Multilingual WinALL 

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Registry Mechanic offers easy-to-use optimization tools to speed up and improve the stability of your Windows 7 Windows Vista , or Windows XP PC. Regardless of your level of expertise, Registry Mechanic safely cleans, repairs, and optimizes the registry and automatically backs up changes for future recovery. Now includes essential tools to fix Windows security loopholes. Permanently erase your Internet activity personal files, and free space to keep your information away from prying eyes

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Posted Image

Senin, 29 Agustus 2011


Wolfram Mathematica 8.0

Posting By Nopman Amin on Senin, 29 Agustus 2011 | 16:16

Wolfram Mathematica 8.0
Wolfram Mathematica 8.0 | 931 MB
Mathematica - a program designed to perform calculations for the preparation of interactive documents and programming. This tool is used in scientific research, engineering analysis and simulation for training in technical schools.
Wolfram Mathematica 8 is a huge and important release with dramatic breakthroughs—and major broadening of the whole scope of Mathematica.
After 8 versions and 22 years most software systems have decayed to slow and lumbering development. But not Mathematica. In fact, with Mathematica it’s quite the opposite. As the years go by, Mathematica development is actually speeding up. Mathematica 8 introduces free-form linguistic input—a whole new way to compute. Enter plain English; get immediate results—no syntax required.
It's a new entry point into the complete Mathematica workflow, now upgraded with 500 additional functions and 7 application areas—including the world's most advanced statistics capability and state-of-the-art image processing. New workflow end points include deployment of standalone applications or interactive documents.
Numerics of any precision, symbolics, or visualization—Mathematica is the ultimate computational tool, with systemwide technology to ensure reliability, ease of use, and performance. Use Mathematica computation directly, as the engine in an infrastructure, or integrated into a standalone application.

Registration info: use working kg's for previous versions
It seems that you need an installed previous version of mathematica 7.0 on the machine in order to use the new one.

Year: 2010
Version: 8.0
Developer: Wolfram Research
Platform: Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008/7
Language: English



Wolfram Mathematica 8.0

Written By Yasir Bakhtiar on Minggu, 28 Agustus 2011 | 18:20

Wolfram Mathematica 8.0
Wolfram Mathematica 8.0 | 931 MB
Mathematica - a program designed to perform calculations for the preparation of interactive documents and programming. This tool is used in scientific research, engineering analysis and simulation for training in technical schools.
Wolfram Mathematica 8 is a huge and important release with dramatic breakthroughs—and major broadening of the whole scope of Mathematica.
After 8 versions and 22 years most software systems have decayed to slow and lumbering development. But not Mathematica. In fact, with Mathematica it’s quite the opposite. As the years go by, Mathematica development is actually speeding up. Mathematica 8 introduces free-form linguistic input—a whole new way to compute. Enter plain English; get immediate results—no syntax required.
It's a new entry point into the complete Mathematica workflow, now upgraded with 500 additional functions and 7 application areas—including the world's most advanced statistics capability and state-of-the-art image processing. New workflow end points include deployment of standalone applications or interactive documents.
Numerics of any precision, symbolics, or visualization—Mathematica is the ultimate computational tool, with systemwide technology to ensure reliability, ease of use, and performance. Use Mathematica computation directly, as the engine in an infrastructure, or integrated into a standalone application.

Registration info: use working kg's for previous versions
It seems that you need an installed previous version of mathematica 7.0 on the machine in order to use the new one.

Year: 2010
Version: 8.0
Developer: Wolfram Research
Platform: Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008/7
Language: English


Sabtu, 27 Agustus 2011


Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 Demo | 1.3 Gb 
Pro evolution soccer 2012 (abbreviated to PES 2012 and known officially as World Soccer: Winning Eleven 2012 in Asia) is the eleventh edition in the Pro evolution soccer series developed and published by Konami with production assistance from the Blue Sky Team. Lionel Messi, who has been the cover star for the series since PES 2009, will be replaced by Cristiano Ronaldo.Like previous versions of the game, it will be exclusively licensed by UEFA to contain the UEFA Champions League, UEFA Europa League and UEFA Super Cup competitions along with a license from CONMEBOL to feature the Copa Santander Libertadores. Referees' governing UEFA Champions League, UEFA Europa League and UEFA Super Cup matches will wear the official UEFA Champions League uniforms, which is a first for the series. 

On July 28, 2011, Konami confirmed that PES 2012 will be released for Playstation 3, Xbox 360 and Microsoft Windows on October 14, 2011 in Europe and October 6, 2011 in Japan. At Gamescom 2011 it was announced that the PlayStation Portable and PlayStation 2 versions will follow on October 28, 2011 and the Nintendo Wii on November 4, 2011. The publisher has also confirmed that versions for Nintendo 3DS and iOS formats are also in development, with firm dates to follow. 

At this year's Electronic Entertainment Expo, Konami unveiled Pro Evolution Soccer 2012's new feature set, promising--among other things--improved animation; AI updates for more realistic player positioning; and tighter, more accurate controls. Last year saw PES catching up with its archrival FIFA but not surpassing it--at least in terms of critical reception. Is this year's string of updates enough to see PES to glory or is it destined for a humiliating relegation? 

Before you jump into a match, PES asks you to create a player that you can make as realistic or as horrifying as you like. There are lots of customization options, ranging from your player's body and facial characteristics to his kit color and poses. Such is the wealth of options that it's all too easy to create some horrific-looking players. There's a simple pleasure to be found in seeing a big-eared guy with a perm, blue goatee, and a bright pink strip run around the pitch, even if your opponents might not agree. On the more serious side of things, you also have the option of adjusting the level of pass support; that is, the degree to which passes automatically home onto receiving players. This is a welcome addition, particularly given how tricky the new passing system was in PES 11. Tweaking extends to the AI too, so you can specify if it should automatically pass, shoot, or clear the ball when you're not in direct control. 

With customization done, you move onto Training Challenge; a mode that carries over from PES 11 with a few tweaks. There are trophies awarded for each training challenge you complete--bronze, silver, or gold--depending on your performance. For example, one challenge has you taking penalties, with the goal divided up into three sections that are worth a different number of points. The more points you score, the better the trophy you receive. Each challenge is divided up into difficulty levels, ranging from one to three stars. This means there's a lot to play through, so if you're the type of person that has to complete everything, expect to spend a lot of time in Training Challenge. 

Most of the changes in PES 12 have been made to AI players on the pitch, via improvements to make their actions seem more realistic. The first is AI overlap, which is designed to improve the performance of players off the ball, so long as you've enabled AI assists. As we played the ball to an open area of the pitch, we noticed players running forward to receive it, making intelligent runs that allowed us to set up chances on goal. If you choose not to enable AI assists, you're given greater control of players off the ball, allowing you to control two players simultaneously. Doing so is a little fiddly, though, requiring you to highlight another player by pointing the right stick in his direction and pressing down on it to select him. 

While this feature can be very tricky to use out on the open field, it really comes into its own during set pieces, such as corners and free kicks. While lining up a corner, we could move another player in the box at the same time, making use of space and ensuring someone was on the receiving end of the ball. Further enhancements have been made to penalties, which are now much simpler to take. One button controls the height and power of the kick, while another controls the direction. By holding down R1, we could perform finesse finishes, such as chips, which is something that would have required well-timed double-taps of the analog stick in PES 11. Also gone is the side-on penalty view that has now been replaced by a more traditional viewpoint in front of the goal. 

Various enhancements to dummy and diagonal runs made our time on the pitch more enjoyable, with our AI teammates drawing out defenders and running across the field rather than just down one side of it. We noticed our defense was tighter too, with players marking the opposition, automatically chasing opponents down and launching tackles. This extended to our team's formation. Players maintained position, allowing us to make better judgments and defend our half of the pitch with more confidence. Combined, the AI improvements made each match more enjoyable, with fewer goals conceded from frustrating AI mistakes. 

While this year's updates aren't entirely revolutionary, they build upon the substantial improvements introduced in PES 11. Matches were smooth, exciting, a lot of fun, and felt noticeably faster than those in FIFA. It remains to be seen whether PES can catch up with FIFA's excellent online features, but we were left suitably impressed, making this year's battle between the two football games that little bit closer. Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 is due for release on the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC on October 14. Look out for more coverage on GameSpot soon. 

System Requirements : 
  • Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP SP3, Vista SP2, 7
  • Processor: Intel Pentium IV 2.4GHz or equivalent
  • Memory: 1 GB
  • Video Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible video card. Pixel shader 3.0 with 128 MB of RAM (NVIDIA GeForce 6600 or ATI Radeon x1300) 
Password Mediafire : 


From Dust Full Rip (2011) | 340 Mb 
Year: 2011 
Language: English 
Genre: Logic (Puzzle) / 3D 
Developer: Ubisoft Montpellier 
Publication Type: Digital License 
From Dust – this is the last original game concept by Eric Chailly, the creator of the cult «Another World / Out of this World». Immerse yourself in exotic beautiful and just as dangerous world! You control the fate of the primitive tribe, struggling with a variety of misfortunes, the constantly evolving world where the powerful nature of guarding their fiefdoms, and where your knowledge of the elements of the world – the only chance people survive … 

Features : 
  • “Play in the open world with one of the most complex simulations in real-time nature, where everything you see and touch what is dynamic and constantly presents new surprises.
  • “Open the large number of places: tropical island, volcanic landscapes, deserts and much more …
  • “Explore the 13 breathtaking areas with unusual gameplay. Improve the ownership of natural forces, playing the mysterious archipelago and help restore the lost tribe of primitive power of their predecessors.
  • “Protect your tribe from destroying everything in its path attacks of Nature. Has protected people from the tsunami, forest fires, earthquakes, volcanos and torrential rains ..
  • “Control of natural forces to create their own world. Hold the lava, stop the raging water, spoil the lakes, forests and cultivate lift hill!
  • “Play against the clock for 30 and additional maps in the” Challenge “. Each scenario – is a puzzle where all time is the …
  • “Compare your results in the” Challenge “with other players from around the world in a table top players.

System Requirements : 
  • Operating system: Windows XP SP3 / Vista SP2 / Windows 7 SP1
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 1,8 GHz / AMD Athlon64 X2 4400 + 2.3 GHz
  • Memory: 1 GB (XP) / 2GB (Vista/Windows7)
  • Video: 256 MB video memory and shader 3.0, GeForce 8800 GT or ATI Radeon HD 3000 
  • Sound Card: DirectX 9.0 compatible
  • Free hard drive space: 4 GB
Note : * This game does not support Windows ® 98/ME/2000/NT 
Password Mediafire : 


Nitro PDF Professional v6.1.4.1 Cracked | 40.32 Mb

8:57 AM   Nopman Amin
Nitro PDF Professional v6.1.4.1 Cracked | 40.32 Mb
Nitro PDF Professional, the complete Adobe® Acrobat® alternative, enables you to do more with PDF through powerful tools to create, convert, edit, combine, secure, annotate, form-fill, and save 100% industry-standard PDF files. Recipient of multiple best product awards, Nitro Pro is specifically designed for the business user and makes working with PDF faster and easier than ever before!

Create PDF and PDF/A files from virtually any Windows application, with full control over PDF output options. Offering one-click conversion for many commonly-used file types (including Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, WordPerfect, and more), Nitro PDF Professional simplifies the PDF creation process. All PDF files created with Nitro PDF Professional are 100% compatible with other PDF viewing applications including Adobe Reader and Adobe Acrobat.
Nitro PDF Professional, Adobe lengkap ® Acrobat ® alternatif, memungkinkan Anda untuk berbuat lebih banyak dengan PDF melalui alat yang ampuh untuk membuat, mengkonversi, mengedit, menggabungkan, aman, keterangan, bentuk-isi, dan menyimpan standar-industri 100% file PDF. Penerima beberapa penghargaan produk terbaik, Nitro Pro adalah dirancang khusus untuk pengguna bisnis dan membuat bekerja dengan PDF lebih cepat dan lebih mudah dari sebelumnya! Buat PDF dan PDF / A file dari hampir semua aplikasi Windows, dengan kontrol penuh atas pilihan output PDF. Menawarkan satu-klik konversi untuk banyak jenis file yang sering digunakan (termasuk Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, WordPerfect, dan banyak lagi), Nitro PDF Profesional menyederhanakan proses pembuatan PDF. Semua file PDF yang dibuat dengan Nitro PDF Professional adalah 100% kompatibel dengan aplikasi lainnya termasuk tampilan PDF Adobe Reader dan Adobe Acrobat.
Password Mediafire :